Oral Histories (5)


In this first installation, Hesenê Salihê Mirad (1967), from the Cefrî tribe in Dugurê, recounts his life story. He speaks about his childhood, his home, and his family, and how they worked to make a living. He discusses fasting and its attendant…

Xelef Elyas (1948-), a Êzîdî folklore singer from Shingal, grew up within the oral tradition. Omar's father was himself a singer and performer, deft with the tambûr. Omar began learning the craft at age 20, studying not only with his father, but with…

Eyşana Xelef Hemo (1956-) grew up in Skênei, a village in Shingal. Loss has defined her life: she married her cousin when he was left utterly orphaned, without a single family member, and to mourn all those she herself had lost, she learned to sing…

Şêx Çêlî Mûsa Silêman (1960-) grew up in an artistic family. His entire life has revolved around Şêblqasim Temple. He began singing the traditional songs as a child. The first stran he memorized was by Navxoş Ebdulxaliq, a Kurdish singer, and as he…

Heyder Hesen Miço (1955-) grew up in Kola Xan, a village in Shingal. He relates the difficulties, given systemized poverty and widespread persecution, of getting an education. After leaving school to help his family, he worked as a shepherd for…